The phase of death
This phase of life is killing me from deep within. I don't know my next move. To be or not to be is the question. Perfect poetic balance. Hahhhhaa!(Cries within). Can't really seem to make sense of anything in this world. What do I do with myself. I am a waste. An outlier. I love and live for someone that I can never get. How can I let anyone into my life and make their life same as mine. Anyone else would have been lucky to be on my end with such loving folks around them but me. I despise my situation. I hate my life. I don't own myself. How can I draw a needle into my veins seeking for permanent end to my pain. What I love can only make me weak. Probably I will leave with a death note. 😔 And that would be my absolution. Dear mom and dad, I love you both very much. You have been my inspiration and guided me the best in every possible way. I could not have asked for a better set of parents. Dear Arun, thanks for being the best buddy. You are the best person I know, howe...