The Future

Sitting here on my desk, I am pondering over the future of the humankind. How I can contribute to making the world a better place? Currently the market is in a flux and is a great time for me to step in to lay some serious claims in the field of AI. Imagination is the limit.

With the launch of OpenAI, I think I already missed a big bus ride to success. Even though I knew that something crazy was happening there, I could have stepped in and made some thing worthwhile, I did not. Probably that was not meant for me but I know of the future. Or at least I have started to think about it. Something needs to be put online. Something that we humans need badly. A direction in life. A life worth living. For this, machines need to take over the humanity. I am having so many thoughts at the moment, all unorganized but that's what I am. I need to organize myself for me to organize the world. Make the world different forever. Humans are driven by primal instincts. Survival of the fittest, which in turn is driven by fear, grief, happiness, friendship and love, much less than rationale. It is these emotions that are hard to tap and culminate to AI. But that is a challenge I accept. 

Men want to up their ante. Get an advantage over others and push the world further. And this requires effort, diligence and grit. How are we humans supposed to push ourselves in the lack of a conditioned environment for success. We see so many distractions in our day to day life. If someone has a goal, they can achieve it. You have a smartphone, you have more of the issue - current social networking sites such as Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube etc. provide a fantastic way to distract you from the real world, creating anxiety, social awkwardness among the public and letting humanity creep into the traps of the aforementioned fear. And where there is fear, we just survive. However, we, being the humans need to have the upper hand in the world dominated by the social media giants. They are the ultimate gainers of our losing attention span and focus. This is where your mom comes into play. She slaps you out of your imaginary world and puts you right where you should be, grounding you to your reality.

Not drawing any parallels from the above analogy but drawing attention to a third party in controlling our lives is a way for us to have checks and balances in an ever growing cloudy mutt. An agent to augment your life in a way you want it to be- a gatekeeper to your information intake, a gym instructor, a pro-chef and even a lover(if you want it to be). The applications are endless. You don't need more people. People need you more. You up your social game with the wealth of information at your disposal. Phones are a thing of the past. Welcome to the future. 

If you have seen the movie 'Her', this is somewhat similar to getting close to the AI landscape. In this case, you can train the voice of AI to your voice, or that of someone you have a crush on. Jokes apart, we are planning not towards reaching singularity but going beyond. We are not talking 30-50 years down the lane, we are talking more like 5-10. That is scary and so is it worth being the first mover and breaker of the landscape. And that will help us define the moral high-ground.

 We need to find new avenues of business because everything we know of is not anymore. The way we work is not the same anymore. You just need to have the intent and everything is at your disposal. When we are speaking about augmenting you, the people, we are seeing two sets of problems - A. Personal AI - to understand and work with you and B. Agents - Someone who will work for you(or the AI). To work with them further, let's call these agents- your reflection or your twin for the former and assistant for the second, which can come in both physical and a software form or a combination of both. If it has a form, it is easy for us to give it a name like Robot, also your assistant. 

Okay, we have talked enough for now. What am I thinking? What are my next action items? Wanna breakdown the problem with me? Fuck, there's this notion of life of what I want to do and what I have to do and sometimes they are not in conjunction. But nevertheless, I should only do as I please. My mind is its own agent. But I am a heartbreaker they say! 

Let's change some lives, starting with mine. Mr. Agent help me decide my future.


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